• poems,  poetry,  shadows

    Looking For Me

    I have been sitting here resting
    after my morning stroll, and the sun
    in its soft yellow work gloves
    has come in through the window
    and is feeling around on the opposite wall
    looking for me, having seen me
    cheerfully walking along the road
    just as it rose, having followed me home
    to see what I have to be happy about.

    Ted Kooser, Winter Morning Walks

    Another bitter cold morning at -8 degrees. However, the forecast is promising. I’m liking Kooser’s poetry in this new book called Winter Morning Walks recommended by Joe. Stay warm!

  • poems,  poetry

    Squirrel of Worry

    Sometimes when things are going well,
    the daredevil squirrel of worry
    suddenly leaps from the back of my head
    to the feeder, swings by his paws
    and clambers up, twitching his question mark tail.
    And though I try the recommended baffles —
    tin cone of meditation, greased pipe
    of positive thought — every sunflower seed
    in this life is his if he wants it.

    Ted Kooser, Winter Morning Walks, page 48

    Well, I did not receive the news I wanted to hear from my cardiologist yesterday. The valve is in the severe stage and something needs to be done. The valve that was replaced 4 years ago is, in the doctor’s opinion, too small for my body which is why it failed so early. An echocardiogram 1 month post TAVR echo shows elevated MG of 26mmHg and Vmax of 3.27m/s, consistent with PPM. Which in doctor speak says the valve is already struggling. So, they are recommending I meet with a cardiothoracic surgeon for a possible SAVR (open heart surgery again) with a root enlargement, making that opening larger to accommodate a larger replacement valve. I have an Left Heart Cath set for Feb 13th then meet with the surgeon on the 15th. If the cardiothoracic surgeon does not think I’m a good candidate for whatever reason, the groin procedure is still an option but they’d still be looking at a valve that is too small. Not what I want. My next appointment is with the Hematologist to look at my low Platelet numbers. They say I’m thrombocytopenia.

    Again, it’s not the news I wanted but it’s what I have. Another opportunity to live in the present moment by keeping an eye on my feet and wiggling my toes.

    About the image and poem by Ted Kooser. I’ve encountered this squirrel of worry throughout my life and in the past 4 weeks it has been quite busy. I must admit all my worries are based in fear (False Evidence Appearing Real). I do my best to face these worries as part of life by finding quiet time, practicing prayer and meditation, spending time in nature and reaching out to a listening ear or being that listening ear. Avoiding my fears or denying them has never been a solution. Hoping you’re having a great Wednesday!

  • Black and White,  coffee life,  coffee shops,  haiku,  journal,  writing/reading

    Simple Life but Full

    new poetry book
    words offered to the soul
    old chipped saucer


    Bright sunny morning here in Colorado. It’s 51 degrees but the 7 mph breeze makes it feel cold to me. Coffee time and writing at Bean Cycle. Reading a book from a new-to-me poet called named Ted Kooser and his book called Delights and Shadows. Meet up and catch up with friends later today. I live a simple life but full.