• Metro Parks,  Plants

    Our Therapy Session

    Path at Blendon Woods Park
    Path at Blendon Woods Park

    When my mind gets clouded, a walk in nature will clear the fog. I also know it works for others, too. For example, I had a friend call me last week and ask if we could go for a walk together. Now, how did she know I needed one of those walks?

  • Plants

    I feel better, now.


    I love my walks. I find them to be healing, calming my spirit. Those cobwebs forming in my head can be torn away with a walk. The chattering of thoughts can be quieted when listening to the music of nature. With or without a camera in hand they are important in my life. Todays walk included the camera so after clearing my mind the focus went to the flowers surrounding me. I feel better, now.

  • Metro Parks,  People/Portraits

    Nature Walk


    Taking a Walk
    Taking a Walk

    They say walking is good exercise. I believe them. We can keep weight off, build up our cardiovascular and just feel good about ourselves. Finding the discipline to walk on a regular basis has been lacking in my life for the past few years. Now that I have this nature area behind my apartments I do get out more often and that’s good. I headed out to the park with my camera and tripod, thinking I could get a self-portrait image along with a walk. 

    On the way back to the car, this silly question came to mind. I bought myself a nice carbon fiber tripod a few years ago and have been really pleased with it. It’s rugged and solid. Paid a lot of money for it. But even with the three legs I still have to carry the darn thing. Anyone else have to carry theirs, also?