• clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes

    Time at Watson Lake

    “The world is holy. We are holy. All life is holy. Daily prayers are delivered on the lips of breaking waves, the whisperings of grasses, the shimmering of leaves.”

    Terry Tempest Williams

    I spent some time this past week at Watson Lake for some quiet time and journaling. The wind blew, with a cold bite to it. I enjoyed the sound of waves pounding onto the shore. Things are greening up. The ponds, lakes and reservoirs are full, and snow sits atop the mountains in the higher elevations. All is a good sign for us. It was cloudy and cold this morning. Perfect weather to meet a friend for a spicy chai. The sun breaks through clouds and blue sky is our gift now. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  • clouds,  horizons,  lake,  landscape

    Misty and Cool

    Love the wave patterns across the reservoir

    Thunderstorms moved through yesterday afternoon, messing up quite a few plans for the 4th of July. I heard this morning they evacuated City Park due to lightning then reopened later and went on with the fireworks display in the evening. Sometime during the night I awoke to more thunderstorms, lightning and rain. I went to my granddaughters yesterday afternoon for a BBQ. I over ate and ate more meat than my body is used to so I did not sleep well. Nor do I feel all that well today. When will I learn?

    It has been cloudy, misty and cool. Had morning coffee at Starry Night then met a friend for breakfast. Went to Watson Lake this afternoon to journal. However I spent my time taking photos. This is Watson Lake with the mountains shrouded by low lying clouds. The small white dust spot on the right side of the image is a lone pelican. Again, the clouds draw me in. Hope you enjoyed your Wednesday.

  • lake,  landscape,  sunsets

    An Afternoon Drive

    Watson Lake on a January afternoon

    As I turned onto Bingham Hill road I encountered a flock of 15 turkeys swaggering and fanning their tail feathers. I stopped, watched and listened to them. They are quite amusing. Took a dozen images but had too short of a lens for an image I would like to have had. A quarter mile down the road I came across a dozen mule deer grazing in the open field. Again I stopped to watch and listen. From there I drove to Watson Lake to sit at a favorite spot overlooking the lake. I soon heard the call of an eagle then watched it land on the ice with a fish in its talons. With binoculars I watched as the bird devoured the whole thing, leaving nothing. After the eagle flew away I sat in the quiet of the frozen lake. Behind me I could hear the sound of the Poudre River as it continued its journey eastward. So an afternoon drive became a series of spiritual experiences with nature. So glad I got out.

    Swaggering and fanning their tail feathers
  • Avian,  quotes

    Another Small Gift

    A Barn Swallow I photographed a week ago.

    What a gift it is to see the beauty in the small things of nature as well as the larger gifts such as a sunrise or sunset or a sky full of clouds. On a walk a couple days ago at Watson Lake I ran into friend I have not seen in a 2-3 years. It was good to spend a few minutes catching up. Another small gift.