clouds,  horizons,  lake,  landscape

Misty and Cool

Love the wave patterns across the reservoir

Thunderstorms moved through yesterday afternoon, messing up quite a few plans for the 4th of July. I heard this morning they evacuated City Park due to lightning then reopened later and went on with the fireworks display in the evening. Sometime during the night I awoke to more thunderstorms, lightning and rain. I went to my granddaughters yesterday afternoon for a BBQ. I over ate and ate more meat than my body is used to so I did not sleep well. Nor do I feel all that well today. When will I learn?

It has been cloudy, misty and cool. Had morning coffee at Starry Night then met a friend for breakfast. Went to Watson Lake this afternoon to journal. However I spent my time taking photos. This is Watson Lake with the mountains shrouded by low lying clouds. The small white dust spot on the right side of the image is a lone pelican. Again, the clouds draw me in. Hope you enjoyed your Wednesday.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    A beautiful scene; the clouds give a slight mysterious feel. I’m thinking this would be a great cover for a mystery novel. 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      It was a last minute afterthought to head over to Watson Lake. I had driven up to Horsetooth Reservoir because of the low lying clouds over the foothills and mountains. I’m glad I listened to my intuition. You are correct as it could make for a book cover.

  • Earl

    Faye could be on to something, or perhaps for a poster for an old movie such as:

    “Lady in the Lake,” a 1947 American film noir starring Robert Montgomery and Audrey Totter. An adaptation of the 1943 Raymond Chandler murder mystery “The Lady in the Lake.”

    I think the photo would work well for that. ~wink~

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Earl. If I saw that movie it has been dumped from my memory along with a bunch more stuff. Interesting that movies seem to have left so few impressions in my life although I watched many of them. I must say the image does have a mysterious feel to it so a mystery novel or movie fits well.

      Today’s weather is much the same with overcast skies and a find mist falling all morning. Saw a glimpse of blue sky for a couple seconds before clouds moved back in. So, I know it exists.