Avian,  quotes


Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Yellow-Headed Blackbird

“You could lose everything you have overnight, life does not offer a guarantee, for this reason you must cling no more.”

The marsh along County Road 13 is a haven this time of the year for blackbirds as they hover above the cattails collecting insects, mating and nesting. They also feed on seeds but this time of the year the insects are everywhere.  You will find them feeding and nesting in colonies along with the red-winged blackbirds. During this time of the season the males are quite territorial as they perch on tall stalks and fend off any approaching contender of their claim with imaginary boundaries. This one is keeping an eye on his territory.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.