animals,  Camera Equipment,  Canon Powershot G12

The Look

The Look

Some subjects do not want their photo taken of them. In the image above my sisters cat Willow, is giving me that annoyed look as I take practice shots of her. This has come about with the purchase of the Canon Powershot G12. Yes, a point and shoot. I have been looking at buying one for quite some time and finally weakened enough to lay out the cash for it. I’ve never owned a point and shoot but so many of you seem to like the options they offer. I plan on using it while I fly, making it so much easier to pack and carry than my DSLR is. I chose the G12 since they no longer have the S90 in production and the S95 and G12 were almost the same price. I also could not afford the M8. 🙂

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Anita Jesse

    Oh, Monte, you are so naughty. My passionate itch for the G12 was just beginning to wane. Now, look what you have done. 🙂 I hope you will enjoy carrying the smaller camera, and I do hope you will continue to post shots with your assessment. I am eager to hear how happy you are with it.

    Willow may not have wanted the attention, but you did her proud. Nice photo!

    • Monte Stevens

      Well, we’ll see how I like this tool. It sure is smaller while still having all the bells and whistles as my DSLR. My biggest hurdle will be the slow lag time, which may be a positive thing for the spontaneous images I can come up with. The image quality is superb so far. I’ll keep you posted on how I like it.

  • Mark

    I’ll bet the cat would be smiling for the M8. 😉 Have fun with the new camera. I have the G10, and it has been a real pleasure to use. I have had prints enlarged to 24×36 from it that look great.

    • Monte Stevens

      I just finished my first trip without my DSLR and only the G12. It is so much easier to carry and not as intrusive to those around me. so far the image quality is wonderful. And, we all know that great images are not created just by the camera.