coffee shops,  lifestyles,  window

The Morning’s Mood

Empty French Press on an overcast and misting morning

Good morning. It is misting and at 25 degrees a fine layer of ice is covering everything. As I took in the view from my bedroom window, I thought this would make a decent image that expressed the mood of this morning.

Awe and Wonder…

With eyes fixed on the horizon
I realize how small, insignificant
I am in this vast universe.

Yet, within me there’s a sense I am
a part of all this, of being connected,
even though a small part.

I cannot define, comprehend or
name this sense within me but at this
moment I feel this huge mysterious love.

May we be the gift we were meant to be,
created to be. May we never lose the
awe and wonder of living this life!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Cedric

    Lovely words once again Monte. This is adding another layer to your blog that I am thoroughly enjoying. Thanks for that.
    I like the photo too. Simple and peaceful though it reminds me that I’m running out of coffee and my supplier—I use a Nespresso Vertuo machine—is sold out and has been for days 🙁
    It seems that toilet paper is not the only thing people have been hoarding.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks! Believe it or not I’m enjoying the writing myself. Not sure how much it makes sense they make but then I read where some writers need to write for themselves and not just a specific audience. I also am aware some will not like what I write or my images and that’s okay.
      I hope you can find your supply of coffee, soon!

  • Mark

    I am enjoying this new dimension you are pursuing.

    Even better if you posted it in handwriting with one of your nice fountain pens. (Hint hint) 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      I suppose there is a way you can do that as tablets and some computers have pens and software to write with. However, that is not going to be the same as looking at an 80 lb cream colored page with still damp ink on those pages. Nope, not even close. But, I’m thinking about.

  • Tom Dills

    An empty french press means a happy coffee mug, Monte. 😉

    I’ll second (or third) the praise for your writing. Something to consider would be to photograph the finished page as part of your scene, then post the photo. Much like you did above but with the page being the subject.

    • Monte Stevens

      I have thought of that already. It would let you know what my cursive writing looks like and what I think is the real art, the fountain pen on the pages and the words from the muse.