Art,  Art/Design,  lifestyles,  Plants,  trees

The New Look

Back on December 31 I wrote about changes I was having done on my condo. Thought I would post an image of what it is starting to look like now. I put up four new prints on the north wall of my living room last week. Nothing big, very simple and went with a tree theme since I like trees. You also get a look at the new vinyl plank flooring I had put in.

In this second image I have turned to my left so you can now see the office, a second bookcase and the bicycle garage. What is new, besides the flooring, is the desk, bookcases and the two chairs. Pretty simple, quick and easy to clean.

We received about 4 inches of snow here yesterday and into the night. Awoke to a brisk 9 degrees, clear skies and bright sunshine. The Cream of Chicken soup turned out awesome and was perfect for the snowy day. Will enjoy leftovers today.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye

    Thank you for the views of your lovely and inviting space. You’ve made good design choices all around.

    Enjoy the soup and stay warm.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thank you, Faye. As I said it is simple but warm and I hope inviting to others. It is a place we spend most of our time in so we need to have it feel that way. It is also a sacred place for my quiet time of prayer/meditation, reading and writing. I will enjoy the soup.

    • Monte Stevens

      I had to laugh when you mentioned clean. With this vinyl flooring I notice the dirt where on the carpet I saw less of it, but still knew it was there. I bought a nice little dust mop and have the floor cleaned up in a couple minutes. That alone is turning out to be a therapeutic exercise for me. I remember the man cave you made a while back that blew me away. I plan on putting up more of my photos in the future.

  • Tom Dills

    That floor looks fantastic, and I love the overall minimalist look of your place. You’ve got plenty of wall space for lots of photographs – but not too many!

    • Monte Stevens

      I plan to hang more images on the wall above the desk and some in my bedroom. Want to make sure I don’t over do it. I really like the looks of the floor. Fits me perfect.

  • Joe

    Thanks for the look inside your home, Monte. We’ve just begun the planning/design stage of our remodel. Hopefully we can begin work early Spring.

    • Monte Stevens

      You’re welcome, Joe. And, thanks for the card the other day. Remodeling always sounds good. We have these visions and dreams, but there is a process involved to see them come into reality. Have fun with it and be sure to show before and after images.