landscape,  mountains,  Plants,  sunsets,  trees

They’re Back

Heard my first meadowlark’s song yesterday afternoon at Pineridge Natural Area. Later in the afternoon I drove up north along County Roads 17 and 19 looking for trees against the setting sun. Found one I liked so I’m sharing it. But what I really found was the meadowlarks. They were everywhere I went, singing their hearts out, letting me know they were back. Gave me joy to hear their song again. Happy Friday! 😍

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    That’s a fine looking tree, Monte. And even better that it was lined up with the sun for you. It would be nice if that house wasn’t so close, but it does make for a nice addition to the composition. The meadowlarks are a sure sign of spring!

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Tom! Yes, the house was close but after seeing it on my computer I decided it was not all that bad. I’d probably want to be close to the tree if I was the homeowner. Loving the meadowlarks singing.