musings,  writing/reading

They’re Just My Words


I’ve been writing in my journal over the past 20 years. My journaling has been a way to stir up my thoughts and feelings, give birth to ideas, dreams, and put them in black and white on the pages. I also find it is a tool for me to slow down from this busy life. A way to express myself.

I believe this photoblog, both the images and writing, has also helped stir up thoughts and feelings, give birth to ideas, dreams, and put them on the internet. I enjoy the risk of sharing my images and words. It’s allowed me to connect with other photographers all over the world. And, the images and words of others has inspired and taught me so much. This blog offers a part of me through what I write and the images I post. Good or bad they’re just my words.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • David Leland Hyde

    It takes serious huevos to write a journal regularly, but to do it for 20 years is sheer madness, leavened with pure genius of course. You must have a wealth of wonderful material to read through. I value what journaling I have done and wish I had done much more.

    • Monte Stevens

      What I write will be hogwash to some and special to others. Some of it is personal but sharable when I’m no longer around. It has been a mix for me, a diary, a journal or prayer. And, you know it feels strange when I go 4 or 5 days without writing, like somethings missing. 🙂

  • Paul

    that’s an amazing journey, Monte. 20 years! Kudos to you. I’ve been writing a journal for about 2 years, and sporadically at that, all electronically, but I do enjoy it when I write entries and I like looking back. My blog, though, which has been going for almost 6 years, is my moving, changing, public autobiography in words and photos. Congratulations to you, my friend, and keep on writing and posting! 🙂