Avian,  Canada Goose

Thousands of Them

Thousands of Them

We had a 6″ dusting of snow during the night with more still falling. When you add a bit of wind we have some foot and a half snow drifts. Not sure but it may be a snow day for the school kids, so a few moms will be stressed out. It really is looking like Christmas.

I was up early and in fact had a restless night. Way too active of a mind to sleep well. After bundling up I ventured out to the lake where we have thousands of geese who overnight on the open waters. What a racket they can make. During the summer I was a bit envious of those apartments backing up to the lake but after listening to the geese this winter, I’m glad I’m in the central portion of the complex. It amazes me how many there are, definitely in the thousands. It’s also amazing to see them lift off as they head for the fields for a feeding frenzy or coming in for a landing. Their diet consists of grasses, clover, cultivated grains, such as corn, wheat, barley and soybean and includes seeds, berries, sedges, aquatic vegetation, legumes and succulents, as well. some reports suggest they can eat up to 1/2 pound a day. And they are sure wary. I tried to sneak up on them this morning but they spotted me started raising an even louder ruckus. It is also reported they are not migrating as far south in the winter as in the past which is attributed to farming hunting practices and even weather changes. I’ve lived here most of my life and it seems we sure do see more than in the past. Well that’s the end of class! You can now go out and play in the snow.

Sitting Tight

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.