landscape,  mountains,  sunsets

Today’s Gratitude

I am grateful today that my family did a wellness check on me this past week. I was taken by ambulance and admitted to the hospital on Friday (12/23) due to a UTI infection that moved into my blood system. I knew I was ill and was assuming I had influenza or even covid. Negative on both those tests. I have a bruise on my forehead and right hip which indicates I may have fallen. My CBC numbers were, and still are, all over the place, none were in their normal range. I had high white blood cell count, low red blood cell count and my platelet count was at the bottom. An EKG showed the heart valve replacement I had 4 years ago is only functioning at about 60-65%. So for the next 6 nights I was poked and probed in an effort to monitor my blood and look for origins of all my issues to medically address them. I didn’t know I was that sick, I was that sick. We are addressing the infection as quickly as we can along with the heart valve issues. 

So I spent Christmas in the hospital, which was not on my radar. I was discharged and home by about 6:30 pm Wednesday night (12/28). Took me a while to recognize the silence of my condo again, compared to the bustle of a hospital. I’m very anemic, have little energy and will be weak for a couple more weeks until my body heals and the numbers get back to normal. More tests are being scheduled then probably have the valve replaced via a TAVR procedure. I may not post much over the next few days/weeks as I regain my energy back. I don’t want to make this long but there are a couple people who watch my blog and I wanted to let you know why I have not posted here for a few days. Hope all is well with you and you had an enjoyable Christmas. ❤️

The above image was taken back on 12/16/22 along Weld County Road 88.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    Oh no, Monte. I was worried when I didn’t see any posts from you but I told myself you were just taking a break. It also crossed my mind that if you had fallen or something, who would know? I am also grateful that your family had someone check on you. My goodness, what a nightmare you have been through.

    Take care, Monte. I hope there is someone to help you. Update when you’re able; we’re all praying for your recovery.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thank you, Faye. My two daughters and sister each have a key to my condo now. I am being inundated with offers for help from family and friends. I will post when I’m up to it.

  • Ruth

    Just to let you know, I missed you blogs and wondered if you had gone to visit family. However, you usually let us know when you will be gone. Also to let you know, I am here for you. Anything you need, I/we are here and I mean anything. I will be checking in on you. I love you and want the very best for you and will do whatever I need to do to assure that happens. Truly, I will be in contact with you!!! Love, Ruth

  • Tom Dills

    Wow, a real nightmare situation – good that you had someone check in on you and got you to a place for proper care. As much as we fear illness, we tend to be in denial about how serious it might be. It sounds like you are now getting the care you need, although the road to recovery may be slow and perhaps bumpy.

    Hang in there, Monte. Soon you will be back to your regular routine. We look forward to hearing from you when you are able! Thinking of you often and sending best wishes, my friend!

    • Monte Stevens

      Even in our 70’s we can think we’re too young for that to happen, well….
      I will take it slow. Had my first good night of sleep in about 10 days. Yet, I’ve tired quickly. I need to pick up my camera today.

  • Mark

    Ugh – so sorry to read of the health troubles Monte – no fun at all. I am glad you are home where you can get some peace and actual rest – which I am surprised anyone can do in a hospital with all the beeps, alarms, and activity. Hoping they have a nurse checking in on you?