
Today’s Visitor

While having my second iron infusion today I received a message from my neighbor, Kristin, that a bald eagle was hanging around the cottonwood tree just outside our front door. They were still there when I returned. I assume they are here because we have several bird carcasses located around the city ponds due to the avian flu and we have 3-4 carcasses on the ice of our ponds now. Bald Eagles will hunt just about anything they can catch, including mammals, such as rabbits and squirrels; birds like ducks, geese and coots; reptiles, including turtles; and amphibians; even carrion. Kristin said she saw them pick at one the carcasses. Sure don’t want this bird to die of the avian flu. Love these birds even though they look unhappy. I love to watch them fly!

It was a bitter cold, -12 degrees at 6:00 am. Brrr! Don’t think we got above 10 degrees. Brrrr! My infusion went well and again, no side effects. I see where those of you in the southeast have been experiencing summer type weather. Enjoy!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    What a beautiful bird and photo, Monte. Like you, I hope they don’t pick up the avian flu. I’m glad to hear your iron infusions are going well, and yes, it’s like early Spring here. It was close to 80 degrees yesterday, with a low in the 60s last night. The forecast is for it to be cooler but still warmer than usual. Crazy!

    • Monte Stevens

      It’s -2 degrees this morning but beautiful blue skies and sunshine. I’m also happy with the progress on the infusion but my blood work (CBC) show my platelet count dropped from 148 last week to 65 yesterday. They’re supposed to be going up. Not sure if there is a blood problem or the being sepsis back in December is tge culprit. Meet with cardiologist today. Hoping for good news there.

  • Mark

    That’s not good that your city isn’t picking up those birds. As I understand it, raptors can catch it and basically not show signs of illness until they are near death.

    Absolutely beautiful photo.

    • Monte Stevens

      I’ve read the same thing. The city has already discovered some dead red-tailed hawks infected with it. My neighbor Roque said he watched them eating on one of the carcasses yesterday. Saddens me but that is nature’s way. Have a great day, my friend! Stay warm!

  • Geri Oster

    Absolutely beautiful, Monte! Thank you. I am concerned about the blood count going “souther”…glad the infusions are going well though. Hope the Cardiologist were able to have a good meeting of the minds and give you truly helpful and good news today. It was a balmy -21 here in Lander this morning. A big warm up from -22 yesterday! Blessings.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thank you, Geri! Things are moving along but not at the pace I would like and not always the way I wish. The cardiologists did come up with a consensus so we move on from there. I really don’t see how -21 degrees can be considered balmy but if you say so! Stay warm and safe, my friend.