landscape,  Plants,  sunsets,  trees

Two Trees at Sunset

“Of one thing we can be sure: our own future is inseparable from the larger community that brought us into being and which sustains us in every expression of our human quality of life, in our aesthetic and emotional sensitivities, our intellectual perceptions, our sense of the divine, as well as in our physical nourishment and bodily healing.”

Thomas Berry

I found these two trees last night just north of Denver International Airport. If you look closely you can see the Rocky Mountains off in the distance. You will probably see more images of them.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    It was nice of these two trees to make room for the sun to set between them. 😉 They certainly add a unique factor.

    Have a good weekend, Monte!

    • Monte Stevens

      Nature works at keeping in balance with all of its parts for both its sustainable future and also to create works of art for us to enjoy. I stood there, swatting mosquitos, until the sun disappeared behind the mountains. Awesome!

  • Faye White

    Superb setting sun. The trees frame the sun and seem to be holding it there for just one more second… good stuff. 🙂

  • Anita Jesse

    Please bring on more of these trees. I am glad that. in this case, you outlasted the mosquitos and waited for the sun to set. Faye said it perfectly, “seem to be holding it there for just one more second..” Lovely.

    • Monte Stevens

      More trees will come, I promise. The scene just after sunset is just as powerful. Hope you have a super weekend and maybe you ought to work on that Italian. 🙂

  • Mark

    I’ll bet the sun changes position the very next day, so I think you captured a unique and great moment here Monte.