architecture,  doors,  shadows

Unit 52

Unit 52
Unit 52

There are periods when I have no interest in picking up my camera. That has been prominent over the past 12 months. Yet, a camera body and a lens are always with me. It’s important to stay present to the world around me throughout the day or the scenes, events and images given will be missed. And, just as important is the need to be ready for these images as they present themselves. I will be more apt to press the shutter button if the camera is in my hand, around my neck or over my shoulder than if it’s in my camera bag. The above image is an example. As I walked out my front door I noticed the light and shadows cast across the door of Kristin’s condo. If the camera were in my bag I may not have this image. We must be ready.  🙂

Here is short list of why I carry my camera. I apologize if these are repeats from previous posts.

  • I never know when a scene will appear. Since life is constant change the light and shadows are constantly changing. Subjects and situations are constantly changing as life moves forward. We must be present and aware.
  • The camera has  become another appendage to my body. I feel naked without a camera. I think I’d rather leave home without my pants. 🙂
  • I enjoy the sound of the shutter button. The shutter has a distinct sound comforting to my inner source.
  • It’s a conversation starter. People will start conversations when they see my camera. “Hey, that’s a nice camera ya got there.” Or, “Is that one of those old style cameras.”
  • Helps me to see the world with new eyes. I’m much more apt to notice shapes, colors, patterns, interesting people. I will quickly compose scenes when they appear..
  • There is also the camera which is my memory. It is always storing images, which I can enjoy throughout my life.


Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Well stated, Monte. I’ve gotten so I shoot more with my cell phone then I use to but it’s not the same experience. There are times I wish I had my old 12mp Nikon D700 back. It was the most “rewarding” sensory experience from a photographers point of view I’ve ever had. I’d consider buying another used one but then there would be the expense of lens as well.

    • Monte Stevens

      It seems there are scenes I encounter that will stir in me a desire for a tool I don’t have. Anymore I usually carry very minimal gear. I can relate to your feelings towards the D300 as I totally went into a frenzy when Nikon announced the D500. It brought back many memories of my experiences with my D300. Drooled all over myself.

  • Tom Dills

    It’s interesting how we tend to see and take a lot more photographs when we have our cameras in our hands than when they are in our bags. It seems rather obvious, but as you say we’ve all experienced it. I frequently see people carrying camera bags but rarely see the cameras. And if they do take the camera out of the bag they end up carrying around an empty bag! Same goes for lens caps, but we may have already had that conversation. Mine stay in the camera bag until it’s time to put the camera or lens away. Fortunately for me, Kathy is always happy to carry a battery or lens (she also loves the smaller Fuji lenses!) so I don’t have to carry a bag unless we’re hiking or doing something where I need more stuff with me.

    • Monte Stevens

      I can honestly say there was a time when I carried the camera bag as symbol, telling the world I was a photographer. Now I carry a camera because I use it. I’ve learned the hard way to be ready. None of my lens has a cap on it, even in the bag. I carry a cleaning cloth in my pocket so when I leave the house at the start of the day I clean the lens and I’m ready. My camera bag is an Osprey Talon 22L backpack. In it is a second lens, journal, Kindle Paperwhite, two fountain pens, business cards, a spare battery, 2 extra SD cards, bus pass. When I need it I bring along an ASUS Chromebook or when weather is quesyionable, a rain jacket.