architecture,  Cityscapes/Urban

Walking the Camera

Empty campus on a Sunday morning
Empty campus on a Sunday morning

Now I know. It’s a 1.8 mile walk across campus to Mugs coffee shop for a dollar cup of Java. If I wanted to wait an hour or so I could have caught the bus to the transit center then walked a block or two. I’ve never checked the distance so this morning I checked it with my new Fitbit. I didn’t think that was right so I checked Google Maps and sure enough, both said 1.8 miles. 

I bought the Fidbit since I’m doing a lot more walking in my attempt to match Paul. I used to walk more but I have slacked off the past 3-5 years. Well, I walk but not for the distance Paul goes for nor do I get my heart rate up to high. Working on that.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Cedric Canard

    Good for you Monte, that’s quite a goal, trying to match Paul. The man is a machine 🙂
    Walking is a great way to keep the body mobile though. I admit I don’t do much of it but I do swim, which, in the kind of heat we have here, is a little less sweaty 😉

  • Tom Dills

    I bought a very basic Garmin tracker and have been walking 3 miles or so most days since we quit working. A few days in Italy and some here at home have been much more than 3 miles. It’s a good habit to get into, although I have no desire to compete with Paul! It’s nice to get out early in the morning to beat the heat and is especially gratifying to hear the traffic noise from all those people commuting to work. 😉

    • Monte Stevens

      Don’t picture myself competing with Paul, cuz as Cedric says the mans a monster. But he is definitely leading us by example in how we can work to stay healthier. My Fitbit is a basic unit and will meet all my needs and more.

  • Earl

    For me, early morning walks are the very best. Maggie and I were out at five this morning for our walk. A little earlier than normal for us but there are lights along the way and it’s nice to have that peaceful quiet time to ourselves (not many people/dogs out and about.) Nope…no competition here for Paul!