clouds,  grass,  landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  quotes,  trees

Walking the Path

This is from yesterday afternoon on a walk at the Environmental Learning Center along the Poudre River. I go there for the quiet, probably not often enough. I found three young people who had strung hammocks among a grove of trees, were playing music and staring at their phones. We were not using the ELC I read earlier in the day that we do not seek silence as much as we are to be silence. I like that idea and will need to ponder that for awhile, in silence. You”ll find the reading below.

Storm clouds filled the sky to the south and west but no rain. Teh clouds and a cool breeze made it almost a perfect temperature. Loved the musty smell of the woods and all the birds singing. The Poudre River was full and running hard from the spring runoff. I was glad to see few mosquitos or flies.

“Perhaps for the first time we have a limited sense of what it means to be silence, instead of actively seeking or longing for the silence we think we lack and trying to make space for silence in our lives, as if this silence were not already silence but some sort of object to be sought and found.” Martin Laird

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Mark

    I’ve heard that “hammocking” (sp?) is popular these days with the youngsters. At least they are out enjoying the outdoors, hopefully not creating any disturbances. Phones and hammocks have perhaps replaced sitting under a tree with a good ol’ book. Regardless, this is the time of year I love the best – cool breezes and few bugs.