Candid Portraits,  Photography

Watching it snow

Watching it snow

It started to snow on Sunday evening around six. The wind was blowing it across the roads as I drove home. It was beginning to build up on the grass along the edges of the sidewalk. I could tell it was going to be one of those nights to sip on tea and read in my favorite chair. This morning I found 2 inches or so on my car with a layer of ice beneath the snow. With the wind blowing it is not a day for going outside unless necessary, definitely no picnic, so I’ll spend the day with laundry, reading the biography of John Muir, writing and shooting indoors. Practice is necessary for our craft whether that is outdoors or indoors or just plain doors. Hope you’re staying warm.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Sunny, but cold, here and I have to be honest and say I’ve not taken a “serious photo” in over a week and am starting to feel guilty about it — perhaps today. However, I have been reading related material. This #$%@ head cold keeps hanging on and it’s starting to get me down.

    Monte, I like this shot, as i have many of those you’ve done inside.

    • Monte Stevens

      Sorry about your “#$%@ head cold.”

      There is something about the sound of a camera shutter that I just love. I think that is what I miss the most when those dry spells come and go. Hope you get to feeling better soon!

  • Paul L.

    Excellent advice, Monte. I’ve been doing some many varied things that I’ve not taken a photo recently. I need to remedy that today. Reading and practicing the guitar have been absorbing a lot of time. Thankfully, television has not. 🙂 Not owning a television allows for time for other stuff; however, reading 3 or 4 books at a time absorbs too much time!

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, you have been busy with books, guitars, hospice and new tools! And, don’t stop those as they are part of the season you’ve entered into!

      I see we agree on the television as I’ve not owned one for the past 17 years and I’m doing just fine without it. I’ve also been tempted to purchase the Kindle, and now the Nook and maybe something from Apple, but that would only mean more unread books and fewer images taken. Well, when I think about it, a small 5 Million Dollar Crumpler with the following inside: the D300 with the 35mm f1.8 attached, an 85mm f1.8, a Kindle (let’s say loaded with 50 books, my pen and Moleskin, 4 flash cards and a spare battery sounds pretty good. 🙂