gratitude,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

One of my favorite…

Sitting on this rock, watching the sunrise with awe and wonder. The grass around me is wet from the mornings dew and also from the rain we had yesterday. The temperature is perfect. There is almost no wind. I take sips of my chai latte, listening to a meadowlark perched atop the fence singing its morning praise. The sun rises behind the clouds, offering hints of pink and letting me know the new day is here. I’m grateful for this moment, this place, this experience, this life, all the green that surrounds me, the clouds, the new day, even the cold hard rock I’m sitting on. This is one of my favorite times of the day… one of my favorite places…

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Geri Oster

    Soothing after a busy (for Us) day…and oh, so very green. So happy to see the green after the dry Winter that you have had in Fort Collins. A smile.

    • Monte Stevens

      Again, glad you stopped by even when you had a busy day. Hoping all is well with you two. We have had some severe storms out on the eastern plains while just a sprinkle here in town. Hope to see you soon! Take care my friend.

  • Earl

    It’s easy to see why this might be one of your favorites, plus the meadowlark songs and the scent of a fresh morning. Hopefully, you’re getting a break from the smoke haze of Canadian fires. Take care and enjoy!

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, we had a lot of wind yesterday and some severe weather on the eastern plains. The skies are looking lovely this morning. Just got home after watching the sunrise and listening to Pelicans and Great Blue Herons argue over fishing spots. Now time for a latte.