landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

Website Issues

Predawn colors at Pineridge Natural Area

I have been struggling with my website off and on for three weeks. It finally came to a halt on Wednesday when all I could do was go to the homepage and my dashboard. All other links seemed to be broken. I have already had two people contact me through email asking if there was anything wrong. I’ve had four chat sessions with Bluehost and no resolution. This morning in my fifth chat session they finally seem to have solved the error. Seems the permalinks were messed up. I just never go to that place on my dashboard so I have no idea how it was changed or if it became confused. All I know is I’m confused with this stuff but it is back up and seems to be working.

In the meantime I’ve have been playing with Squarespace for three days with their 14 day unlimited free trials. The cost is about the same. I will continue to look into it and play with it. I know Joe uses Squarespace and seems satisfied. Like him I only want to post blogs, show my images, and stay connected with fellow bloggers. I am not selling anything so none of that interests me. Who knows I may be on a new platform next week.

I also had my cars hood insulation repaired on the 21st when the raccoons tore it up last April. Well they did it again four days after I had it replaced, for the third time now in four years. However I did make it up to Pineridge NA yesterday morning for the predawn colors and quiet. The water was smooth as glass. A couple of ducks floated along and one blue heron stood fishing along the waters edge. It was a good way to end the week on a Friday. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      Good morning, my friend. Well not everything is working this morning with this site. I am having issues with my site when using my phone. Everything seems to be working on my laptop. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  • Tom Dills

    I’ll be interested in your thoughts on Squarespace. I too am paying a lot for a website that I never update, and lately have only been using the included WordPress blog and have been posting travel photos to my Adobe page that I pay separately for. I had aspirations years ago of promoting my work and selling online, but never got motivated to make the effort.

    Amazing about the raccoons. I suppose Animal Control could relocate them, but would they just be replaced by others or return to the scene of the crime?

    • Monte Stevens

      So far I am impressed with Squarespace. I especially have been impressed with the gallery setup. I have NextGen as a plugin but to setup galleries the way Squarespace is setup will cost more money. Blogging is rather simple. I just need to get familiar with where things are as my memory wants to use the old ways. Squarespace has a lot of tools available for those wanting to sell and market their products which could be a path I take some time.

      This is the link to the Squarespace website home page: Here is the password: Shadow99. Check it out and let me know what you think. It is such a different layout.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, they can. There is always a learning curve when change software or even updating software. I have faced that with WordPress over the years. I’m not sure I want to learn a new platform but…..