
Well, It Rained

Over the edge

For almost 3 weeks we saw no rain and high temperatures while a High Park Fire raged just 15 miles west of us. Now over the past few days we have had afternoon clouds move into the area bringing light rain until yesterday. Yesterday the light rain took on a new look, such as heavy, and dumped on us. The storm built up in the mountains and along the front range then just sat there. That is not good because we have about 87,000 acres of burnt forest with a lot of debris and very few plants to keep the soil from rushing down hill.

These two images are of the pond out my front door. I live along the low area of Spring Creek. There are two holding ponds for runoff and both were full to the brim. The first image is about 75 feet from my front door and the other is at the far end of the pond. As you can see the culverts are struggling to handle the excess water. I had my camera gear and laptop ready for evacuation if needed and I was trying to find out how long a cubit really is. It continued to rain lightly throughout the night but all is well this morning. Enjoy your Saturday!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • David Leland Hyde

    Wow, you’ve had some rough extremes in Colorado. Seems to be happening all over the Front Range. Sad to hear of all the loss of homes, etc. Hope you manage to stay above the floodwaters.

    • Monte Stevens

      We are getting more rain as we speak. They have flash food warnings out for all the burn areas until tomorrow as the prediction is for rain through the night and into tomorrow. Go figure.

  • Cedric Canard

    This brings back memories of our own floods back in 2011. My own house is well out of harm’s way but we had quite a number of friends who were’t so lucky. I hope the rain let’s up for you soon.

    • Monte Stevens

      We received more during the night and the water is flowing over the concrete now. They are predicting 20% chance of thunderstorms today then we dry out over the next few days. Glad to hear you were safe but like you I have friends we were not so lucky.

  • Tom Dills

    The weather folks are promising some rain for us later this week. A number of areas around us have gotten some heavy rains in thunderstorms lately, but at our place it is dry as the proverbial bone. We’re looking forward to a little moisture and the accompanying lower temperatures!