landscape,  Travel

What We Learn

Haceda Head Lighthouse
Haceda Head Lighthouse

Going back to past images and working on them using the tools and knowledge we have acquired over the months and years can help us take better images in the future. When I bought my first DSLR I shot most of my images in jpg format to conserve on memory. This restricted some of my ability to work on them with any editing program. I’ve since switched to shooting in RAW format which allows for more flexibility in any post work I may want to do. The above image was taken on a flat dull lit day with a light haze and therefore had very little contrast. Even though it was shot in jpeg format I’ve learned enough about Photoshop Elements to make a simple adjustment with levels to help it along. So, it’s what we learn that helps to take better images tomorrow.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.

One Comment

  • kimberly

    It’s beautiful Monte! I love lighthouses…they provide the source of light when there are none to lead the way home. I think I need to find one right now.