
Where'd it go?

Empty Space

Yep, some days are like this. The mind is blank, empty. No creative juices are flowing. What was in there yesterday has been moved out. Where’d it go? I have gone through those times when I needed to fill the empty garage with new tools. Give me more camera equipment, I shouted. Now I will admit a new tool can help stir up creativity but creativity by itself is not going to be found on those same shelves as our tools, it’s in another department. Well, those times in my life when my mind seems empty I have learned a few things that will help refill it.

  • Taking a walk in nature will fill with my camera will refresh me quickly.
  • Finding quite time for myself: meditation/prayer.
  • Journaling. Using a pen and paper to write will help me to slow down, gathering my thoughts.
  • Giving myself an assignment or maybe have someone give me an assignment.
  • Shooting with a fellow photographer.
  • Checking out another photographers portfolio.
  • Eating chocolate (Okay maybe it doesn’t help in creativity but there’s always time for chocolate.)

I also do some of these things to refill and refresh all aspects of my life. What are some things you do to refill the empty creative garage?

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Ray Ketcham

    Chocolate lot and lots of chocolate works for me for about anything. When I go blank I do look through my notebooks and pick something to work on. I also have a lot of ‘props’ for images I will work on to kick an idea loose.
    I do like the idea of trading assignments and it came to me that it would be nice to have a repository of such for a few people to share ideas with when it gets tough to come up with one on my own.

  • Earl

    I’ve got to agree about the chocolate. I think I’d start there and then proceed to the other steps if that doesn’t work. Of course it could take more then one dose. 😉

    I try to make notes whenever I have an idea for a photo or a blog post. Then when I’m blocked I’ll look at the notes and sometimes I’ll get an inspiration.

  • Paul L.

    Chocolate is always a good idea even during a walk or peaceful meditation. 🙂 I find that I really like my quiet time and need a good dose of it every day. Occasionally, I will make notes about a photo project that I might want to start. Sometimes nothing comes of it, but other times, it does.

  • Don

    Photographers block

    Chocolate anytime anywhere.

    Grab the camera, maybe a different lens and head out to an area that you have never been to or haven’t been to in a long time and try close ups or different angles.

    Come home ralax with a glass of port and a slab of chocolate, there isn’t that better?