coffee shops

While it snows….

Writing, Reading and a Chai Latte

… outside I find it relaxing to sit in some coffee shop with a warm fire and write, read and sip on a chai latte. I find the above image much more comfortable and warmer than standing in a snow storm to find an image. This was taken a couple weeks ago. Today I am in my yearly recurrent class to make sure I’m qualified to continue to work. My heart is sure not into it this year.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Paul

    Well, my friend. I can’t say that I am in need of a coffee shop, right now. 🙂 It’s quite warm and sunny here in Mexico, but I still like seeing your photos, especially those of your journal.

  • John-Visual Notebook

    That’s a comforting photo, Monte. Great tones. Makes me want to go home, have a cup of coffee and relax with my journal, which, these days, is electronic. Or with a good book, which, these days is on a Kindle. Nuts….is everything electronic? 😉