frost,  snow,  winter scenes

Winter Wonderland

Frosty morning and a brisk 10 degrees

Had a dusting of snow late yesterday then fog and a heavy frost early this morning. Things were white and sparkling in the sun when all covered with frost and snow.  The air was sparkling with ice crystals. These frost crystals about a have inch long.The beauty of a Winter Wonderland.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    I bet it does look like a winter wonderland. 🙂

    We had a dusting of snow here as well but only a low of about 30ºF overnight. If you listened to local news/weather you’d think it was a blizzard. This type of winter panic is laughable and serves as a joke for most people here but still, you’ll find individuals rushing to the stores for essentials…bread, milk, and toilet paper. Haha!

    Have a great weekend, Monte.

  • Cedric

    That is very attractive, and may I say, quite invigorating as I sit here in the early morning summer heat and humidity so high that I may as well be typing this while sitting under a shower 🙂

  • Mark

    I believe this is called “hoar frost” – an occurrence I wish I have seen around here more often. I also like how it is lit up in this photograph!