leaves,  Plants,  quotes


The governor resigned his exalted office and came to the Master demanding to be taught.
”What is it you wish me to teach you?” asked the Master
”Wisdom.” was the reply.
”Ah, my friend! How gladly would I do that were it not for one major obstacle.”
”Wisdom cannot be taught.”
”So there’s nothing I can learn here.”
”Wisdom can be learned. But it cannot be taught.”

Anthony de Mello

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    Gorgeous autumn image. The lesson of wisdom – sometimes it takes more than lesson before we ‘get it’. Lol

  • Geri Oster

    Lovely! Wisdom is something that I have sought for decades…I still have more life lessons to learn I’m afraid. Interesting that you shared this wonderful quote from Anthony de Mello. A dear friend of mine just introduced me to him through one of his little mediation books. I think that his works of life are going to be lifechanging for me. Thank you, Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Geri. His storytelling is tops. He uses them a lot and there are several authors I read who also use his stories. We know the value of storytelling is life changing. It feels cold and late fallish today!