clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

Then things changed…

The day began as I watched the predawn colors on the eastern horizon then the sunrise from the ridge above the reservoir. I sat on the bench watched and listened. An owl, perched on the dead cottonwood tree, sharing with the world their joy for this new day. I enjoyed the warm sunshine and a light breeze we had all morning, drinking coffee and reading on the porch. It is what’s known as a perfect Colorado fall day. Then things changed… 

By mid afternoon dark clouds had moved in, temperatures began to drop and the cold wind brought its power and authority to our attention. I put on a coat rather than a jacket and stepped outside for my walk. The cold wind stung my face and my nose began to run. The wind blew the still clinging leaves from their branches and sent them sailing in every direction. Some danced around me as if I was that important. My body knows this feeling as we move more into the later stages of fall and the promise of the colder season that quickly approaches, winter. Did I mention it’s cold?

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.