coffee life,  coffee shops,  latte art,  musings,  writing/reading

Isaac’s work of art…

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”

George Bernard Shaw

This morning at Starry Night Isaac crafted me this delightful latte art. A pretty good way to start my day. I headed home after an hour or so of journaling as I needed to make a couple of phone calls. Also had a friend bring over potato and ham soup which I ate a bowl of for lunch. About 1:00 pm I headed to Reservoir Ridge Natural Area to soak up the sun and the quiet offered in that sanctuary. While the sun warmed me, I listened and watched as the mysterious wind danced with the meadow’s grass, rabbitbrush and the cottonwood tree branches, which now offer their new buds of delight. The wind gently blew against my face, it’s cool touch bringing healing energy to my body. In the quiet surrounding me I listened to a magpie but never saw them. And in the distance I heard a woodpecker hammer on some tree but never saw them. Each was music to my ears. I felt within me the excitement for the arrival of the songbirds, anticipating the concerts that will fill the air while the wind sends them out across the meadow for all to hear. After a couple hours clouds began to move in, blocking the sun’s warm rays. Without the warmth of the sun’s rays I became chilled and began to make my way home. After quiet time at home I put a few words together for this post, sharing with you my day, along with an image of Isaac’s work of art. When I look at this latte art I wonder how many failures it took to hone his craft and how many more failures still to come. After pressing the publish button I’m gonna grab a Dove’s dark chocolate to reward myself. Hoping you had another good day to celebrate!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, almost do not want to sip on it and mess it up. One reason I take a photo of it. I am so grateful for their effort to make these for me and at the butt crack of dawn.

  • Faye White

    Thank you for sharing your day with us, sounds perfect. I had a good painting day. My painting failures get cut up and used to test colors. 😄

    • Monte Stevens

      I sometimes wonder if I bore people with my musings on what my day is like. I hope I do not make it an obnoxious pattern but filter one in every so often. My days are usually simple. What I post here are similar to my journaling entries, what I see, experience, feel and need to write about. Hoping you have a wonderful day!

  • Geri Oster

    Monte, I lavish in your postings. I have been unable to travel to my special places for some time, so I delight in being able to journey there with you whether it be the Starry Night or the many natural wonders right out your back door. (I just pulled up a Fort Collins map to see just where these precious sanctuaries are located.) This morning I just sat with that marvelous latte and with your lovely words. Thank you. And I am so happy for you that you are feeling well enough to venture out again!

    • Monte Stevens

      Thank you again for your comments on my posts. Glad you enjoy venturing out with me as I sit in the silence of a natural area or the din of a coffee shop. Both offer me a sanctuary to experience the many facets of the world we live in. My recovery is moving along. I will soon be involved in a few weeks of cardiac rehab.