Camera Equipment,  Fujifilm X-E1,  Fujifilm X-T10,  landscape,  mountains,  Photography,  sunsets

A Better Photographer

Sunset over the Colorado Front Range
Well Fujifilm did it again. Yesterday they announced the new Fujifilm X-T30. Of course this is the perfect camera for me and in a price range I can afford. And, we know it will make me a better photographer. 🙂 So, in my mind is a debate on whether to sell one of my grandchildren, my car or my condo, rob a bank, take out a second mortgage, buy another lottery ticket, and other insane ideas. But, getting back to reality and sanity, I have to admit my Fujifilm X-E1 and my X-T10 are good cameras, functioning well, take excellent images (in spite of my sometimes ineptitude) and are paid for. So, the need to upgrade to this camera is not as much a priority as other pressing priorities in my photography and life. The truth is my next purchase needs to be upgrading my laptop. I’ve been talking about this for some time. It is 10 years old. This past week my laptop shutdown and rebooted and seems to runs slower each week. But the primary justification for a upgrading my laptop is knowing it will make me a better photographer by improving my post-processing skills. 🙂 So my insanity tells me to be a better photographer, with an empty wallet, I really should just buy both. Sigh! GAS

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Joseph Smith

    It hadn’t really sunk in until I read this that you actually do need both camera and computer nowadays to produce a decent image. Still, it’s cheaper in the long run than the recurring cost of replenishing darkroom supplies I suppose. You know better than anyone else what will make you a better photographer so I’m not about to make any suggestions. I have a Fuji XT-2 and X100T (love ’em both) but won’t move from my Nikon as I mold to it so well.

    • Monte Stevens

      I moved away from the Nikon gear about 5 years ago. I enjoy the smaller form factor for my style. Practice is what makes me a better photographer. Most people don’t know or care what camera the photographer used when shopping for a print.

  • Cedric Canard

    Well, technically, these days, you need neither camera or computer. A good phone with the right apps including Lightroom CC, would be just as capable I suppose 🙂 I couldn’t do it but I do know some people who do and they create far better images than I ever could. But it’s not quite the same though, is it. Holding up a phone versus holding up a camera, physically adjusting settings via rings and knobs, it just brings a whole other element to the process. Of course, it’s all a matter of preferences and for those happy to do it all on their phones, including all the post work, it certainly makes their lives simpler, though probably not cheaper because, you know, I ‘ve never heard of anyone with a ten-year old phone 😉
    Anyway, good luck with your GAS problem Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yep, I want the extra weight, dials and the viewfinder. I’very seen some great images taken with peoples phones and I’ve seen some poor ones. Goes to show it is the photographer and not just t he gear. So far I’m not that dangerous to be around with this GAS.

  • Tom Dills

    Monte, good to see you posting again, and welcome to the “Three Generations Obsolete Club!” I’m still looking for a good reason to upgrade my aging XT1, but it’s still a better camera than I am a photographer. As Cedric mentioned, you might look into an iPad or tablet with LR CC. Especially since you don’t need to process RAW files.

    • Monte Stevens

      I have played with the IPad Pro idea. There have read good reviews on Affinity Pro for editing. And, with LR CC I’d have the cloud to store images. My issue is investing about $1000 in one, a keyboard and the pen.