coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  lifestyles,  writing/reading

A New Fountain Pen

The New Fountain Pen
The New Fountain Pen

My new fountain pen is a white Pilot Prera with a medium nib and filled with Diamine Ochre ink. The ink is a nice milk chocolate color and I think works will with my cream colored pages in my Moleskin journal. Not that there are any special words in this pen but the desire to write more is there. Oh, and included in this image is a favorite of mine, a mocha latte, which matches the ink also.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • "Paul

    A lovely photo. I like the color of the ink and it certainly does match your mocha latte. It’s cool that you’ve not lost the art of writing and that you keep a journal.

  • John

    I love the idea of well designed and attractive pens, but I avoid writing except when there is no keyboard (or touch screen) around. My handwriting is not very good and since childhood my spelling is a real problem.

    But I do like good looking, well designed pens… just do not have the need for one other than looking good laying on my desk.

    Really like your image.

    • Monte Stevens

      I find writing in a journal, and even writing letters, more my liking than sitting at a computer and that may stem from the years working at a computer. I’ve been writing letters to my parents and they are enjoying it. My mother is writing back, not just to answer my letter but because she wants too.

  • Tom Dills

    This is a wonderful photograph, Monte…love the colors and the tones. Silly me, but I should have known but didn’t realize that it was even possible to customize a pen these days! I guess I’ll need to learn more about pens! 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      For some fountain pens can become an obsession. People will carry a dozen pens in their purse or bag when they can only write with one of them. I have six fountain pens at the present time, two which were given me, and carry two with me. I use them primarily for my journaling. I have recently started writing letters to my parents using different inks and pens. This gives the letters a bit of variety. Interestingly my mother has been writing back and enjoying it. I remember how she would write to my grandmothers religiously and they would also.
      There is an art to using with these pens, selecting the inks, the quality and size of the nibs, and the paper you use. All give a different feel to the writing experience. In some ways it’s very similar to photography when we select what lens, what aperture, what shutter speed, And, some people just don’t like writing with them. I just may write a few more posts on this. Have an awesome day!