

The Lovely Ali

I fly  with some really talented and gifted young people. I also think they’re neat because they put up with this old man and my camera. Some crew members tolerate my incessant need to stop and stand in traffic or snow or rain to take a photo, or when I ask total strangers if I can take their photo and some tolerate me because I point my camera at them. This lovely young lady with stunning eyes is Ali. Not only is she a flight attendant but she’s a wife and mother, makes for a busy life. Thanks, Ali, for letting me take a few photos of you!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Ann Courtney

    What a beautiful portrait this is – Ali does indeed have gorgeous eyes.
    I am sure that your friends and co-workers are only too pleased to indulge you, after all your talent shines out of every image you take.

  • Faye

    Hi Ali!

    Very pretty portrait, Monte. You work with some very nice people – that must make it seem less like a job. 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      You’re right, Earl. However, there are some who cringe when I approach them with my camera. I try not to be invasive. Ali, is also a very lovely young lady inside as well as outside. I think she has four kids and two of them are 8 year old twin boys. That’ll keep you young looking.

  • Ali

    Monte! You made me look great! You are so talented! As nervous as I was, you helped me relax and even enjoy being photographed. Thank you so much.

    • Monte Stevens

      I can tell you enjoyed it as you really made wonderful contact with the camera, you thought about what you wanted to do and then held those poses for me. I have some good images to give you so when I get them processed I’ll pass them along to you. I also enjoyed the short session. I would liked to have other environments to shoot in but with the rain and cold we worked with what we had. I needed the work with the flash so that worked well. Thanks, again.