clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  trees

Away from the clatter…

Clouds, one of natures brushes it uses to create beautiful art.

“There is no quiet place in the white man’s cities. No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring, or the rustle of an insect’s wings. But perhaps it is because I am a savage and do not understand. The clatter only seems to insult the ears.” Chief Seattle

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    Great photo and perfect placement of trees and clouds, almost as if you planned it that way. 😉

    The clatter is increasing, unfortunately. We made our usual grocery store run this morning, and the place was jammed with people buying toilet paper and kleenex. We bought our usual fresh veggies and fish and got the heck out of there.

    Hope things are otherwise quiet out your way, glad to see that you’re getting out and making photographs.

    • Monte Stevens

      I’m glad to be out shooting more. Good for my soul. I’ve heard that people are stocking up on supplies besides just toilet paper. Some of this panic could be a reflection of the selfishness of our society rather than a feeling of sharing. We’ll see.

      • Tom Dills

        I’ve said before that most problems in our world are the result of either greed or impatience. This is definitely greed – the “I got mine” mentality is a result of all the hype. Here in NC we frequently see runs on milk & toilet paper whenever there is an expected emergency. Never figured it out.

        We’re hoping that things turn out to be on the low side of projections, but taking each day, week and month as it comes. I need to get the camera out myself…spring is a beautiful time of year to be out and about and it could be a good distraction.