clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  prairie,  sunsets

What I was given…

Late afternoon shadows across the Colorado Front Range

Seems, I have been getting out of town with my camera and tripod more often. That’s a good thing for my mental health and not because of any virus. We had plenty of clouds to attract my intention so I headed east then north and west making a nice loop. As I left town my first thought was this is a waste of time and fuel but that other voice inside suggested I continue and see what we could find. After an hour out of town and closer to nature I could see the possibility of long shadows and sunlight because of these clouds. I knew that if I drove west towards the mountains the long shadows would predominate. And, this is the image what I was given.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    It’s a beautiful photo, Monte. Love the foreground shadow and play of light in the distance. Neither a waste of time or fuel in my opinion. Getting out in nature certainly improves my own mood and mental state. Take care.

  • Cedric

    I should do like you more often, the get-out-of-town-with-a-camera bit 🙂
    That is a lovely scene. I like how the textures on the ground are almost reflected in the textures found in the sky, just less sharp, the way water might reflect a scene. Glad you went the extra distance Monte.