

Natures Art

My roommate let me know that while I was traveling the sun decided to shine. So, now that I’m back it’s cloudy and overcast. I decided to find a quiet table at one of my favorite coffee shops where the mood for writing seems to be present more often. But when I arrived, I find they are closed on Sundays. Their sign says, “Closed Sundays to be with family.” I like that. So, I moved down the street and parked my gluteus maximus at a table in one of the larger chain coffee establishments. I just want to write something.

With the sun out the last few days, and the temperatures in the mid to upper 30’s, we are gladly seeing the snow melt. As nature warms up the snow and the melting begins, it forms crystalline icicles. They were everywhere along my drive. The eaves and overhangs of buildings, trees, lampposts were all becoming works of art. Each icicle is taking on its own life by creating its own distinct shape and form.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.