Photography,  seasons

In a Cycle

It's Raining Outside

The last 2 days I had off it snowed. I then worked for 4 days and while I was gone they had sunshine 2 of those 4 days. I’ve been home now for 2 days and it’s been cloudy and overcast both days. It has rained all day today and may turn to snow tomorrow. I seem to be in one of those cycles where funky weather is hanging around the neighborhood when I’m home. I leave in 2 days and have a few friends who want to see me leave. 🙂

I will admit I enjoyed the peaceful and calming quiet of the windless snowfall and it was pretty. As I stared out the window, mezmerised by the drifting delicate snow flakes, I found my mind wandering off to a warmer season called Spring. I dreamed of venturing off to one of the parks to see the colors the rising sun would create, or listen to birds sing a good morning song, or feel the coolness of the morning dew, look for new plants sprouting upward. And, today with the light rain I yearn even more for Spring.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Ove

    Yup, you seem to be out of synch with the weather, and I wonder if not the whole Northern hemisphere is. I look at the window lock in your image, and think that I would have loved to open it up, but don’t want to as it looks outside. Peaceful, but not without a slight tension.

  • Faye

    The weather does get stuck in cycles but eventually it well break out of the pattern.. either that or you will get a schedule change and fool it! Hope you get a rainbow out of the wet weather.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yea, a schedule change. I do have a few days off after my trip tomorrow, maybe that will swing things around. 🙂 And, to get a rainbow we need to have a sun, not happening! 🙁

  • Don

    Like the image, I think that many of us at one time or another have stood near windows like that and watched the rain or snow and toss thoughts around in our heads.
    And as I write this the snow is hitting my windows as we are finally getting some snow here in upstate NY.

  • Alan Collopy

    Hi Monte,

    I know what you feel. It was a dreary day here today in MA, and it looks like we are in the same pattern until Sunday. Might hold off on photography this weekend and get some other things done, unless the clouds break and the rain stops. Have a good evening.