clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes,  reflections

Just Being There

Clouds over the mountains at Rigden Reservoir

“In the moments away from the crowd we perceive the subtler gifts—light, air, quiet—and discover we are more content than we thought.” Anne Scottlin

I could see the dark clouds sitting over the Colorado Front Range so I decided to spend yesterday evening at Arapaho Bend Natural Area and realized I hadn’t been there for a while. There was also a desire to experience those clouds within a natural area rather than my condo. Nature can and does offer surprises when we least expect it so I go there. I did not find an any spectacular images when I returned home but what I really needed was the time there. I walked along the edge of Rigden Reservoir finding a rather uncomfortable rock to sit on and watch nature work it’s healing touch, whether I think I need it or not. Being next to the lapping waters edge drowned out the noises of the crowds. A stillness settled in. I found the rock was really not that uncomfortable, allowing me to enjoy the subtle gift of just being there.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.