clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  Travel

The Wanderer

Clouds are nature’s way of asking us to pay attention to the art it creates

“The wanderer is one who gives priority to the duties of longing over belonging. No abode is fixed. No one place is allowed finally to corner or claim the wanderer. A new horizon always calls. The wanderer is committed to the adventure of seeing new places and discovering new things.”

John O’Donohue, Eternal Echoes

I’ve had the bug to travel for many years. I’ve shared stories about my travels before on this blog and talked about some of the travel I still want to do. I would like to write more about it, maybe finding some clarity, sorta like talking it through. I’m not sure I’ll be able express my desires and dreams about travel or if I even have enough understanding  on what those are. There is a part of me that relates to the wanderer John O’Donohue writes about in the above quote.

Some of my travel history includes touring on a motorcycle and  road trips in my car while camping along the road. I’ve also spent seven years living in hotels working and living a nomadic life as flight attendant. And, photography has been a integral part of each of those adventures. I’ve very much enjoyed each of those adventures. But there’s still a yearning for more.

So over the next few days or weeks I want to share some ideas and questions I have that run through my head. I know some of you have traveled or are traveling so there is experience among my readers. I welcome any and all comments, even if you think I’m insane.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Positively not insane, Monte. But then, I may be one of the inmates at the asylum as well. I looked forward to your thoughts on this. 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      Good morning, my insane friend! Glad you read my post and willing to share some of your thoughts because I know you have some experience with a travel lifestyle.

  • Mark

    I can see the appeal in traveling by motorcycle. I have never ridden one, but it must feel somewhat freeing to travel light. So many of my trips have involved hauling scuba gear and camera equipment, which is no joy. I haven’t gone anywhere in awhile now. I think travel anywhere by plane is pretty risky until next year. I may be becoming more of a hermit than I realize or want to admit.

    • Monte Stevens

      The motorcycle touring was awesome and so minimalistic. I had to travel as if I was backpacking. I also would not ride for more than 250-300 miles in a day so that I didn’t get too tired. It’s interesting for people to see someone on a geared up motorcycle and sure opens up conversations. It also taught me the need to downsize my camera gear. Plane travel I think is out of my system due to working in the industry. The biggest part of traveling is the traveling, the journey and not just the planned destination. I see myself as a hermit in many ways but a nomadic solo hermit. I also am interested in meeting some of these fellow bloggers, who I call friends. Thanks, Mark.

  • Cedric

    I am looking forward to these forthcoming posts. I’ve travelled a lot myself, lived in several countries on several continents and have been on numerous road trips; some lasting months. And while my desire to travel has all but evaporated, I do like hearing of other people’s explorations and adventures. I like your description: “nomadic solo hermit”. I could see myself as one of those. It reminded me of when I was at school and we were asked to fill in a questionnaire so that they could tell us what subjects we would need to select. One of the questions of course, was something along the lines of what do you want to be when you finish your education. I wrote hermit. Can I just say that it was not well received 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      Always great to hear from you, Cedric. I knew you had moved around in your life and done some traveling but I did not know how much. I also enjoy hearing others stories and adventures, we seem to learn more about them through those stories. This is another subject of conversation over coffee that would be enjoyable with you.

      I’m not sure what all my posts will be like or about, even though I have a couple things listed. Maybe we can say even the posts and the comments will be their own small adventure. Let’s hope so.

      From your writings and your comments I perceive you to be a nomadic solo hermit.

  • Tom Dills

    I look forward to your posts and to the ensuing discussion. Knowing the readers who frequent this blog I suspect there will be a lot of “preaching to/by the choir” so to speak. As fellow wanderers we should have some interesting conversations!