winter scenes

Life in Colorado

Games Been Cancelled
Games Been Cancelled

Yesterday morning I drove through Rowland Moore Park and found they’d cancelled the volleyball game. Something about snow and 32 degree temperature. So I headed over to Cafe Ole and indulged in a coffee and slab of freshly backed carrot bread. By 9:00 we had blue skies and sushine. By 2:00 pm it was 45 degrees and the snow was melted. Such is the life in Colorado.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Cedric Canard

    I know this wasn’t the point of your post but I would say volleyball is my favourite game (to play and to watch though sadly, in Australia, it’s not popular at all). My daughter plays it (she’s better at it than I ever was) and I do like to photograph the players; problem is that I often get caught up in the game and forget to shoot. Anyway, if they have beach volleyball it shouldn’t be that much of a stretch having snow volleyball right? 🙂