quotes,  sunsets

Play Time

October Sunset
October Sunset

“If you’re not feeling the full joy of life, it could be that your creative urge is not getting enough play.” Thomas Moore

I intended to shoot some images of the rising moon last night, which I did, but they were nothing compared to the sunset in the west. This was my play time last night. It was a tad bit cold but what a joy to experience.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    Very nice, Monte. I did a little shooting over the weekend, myself. Now I just need to get my film developed! 🙂

    Love the colors in this one.

  • Cedric Canard

    Gorgeous colours Monte.

    I have to agree that there is a connectivity between creativity and joy for/of life. For the past few weeks I have had a persistent urge to shoot, my head full of ideas, my eyes filled with sights that beg to be captured but I have had no time for it unfortunately. Too many things at the moment competing for my attention. I’m sure it will pass so it’s no big deal and I still get to make mental images in my head of these sights I see as I dash about from one thing to the next.

    • Monte Stevens

      I love to hear talk about the creative muse working with people. And, I believe you are a creative person. I can lay awake at night and dream of projects or even one image but if I fail to write it down it seems to fade away when I rise and start the day. I get caught up in the everyday stuff and forget about the creative visions of the night. As we’ve mentioned before family life and work can put a damper on our required creative action. Learning to quiet my mind has sure been a help for me. I am learning to take a few minutes throughout the day to work on quieting the chatter within my head. Some may not agree but I do believe it helps me.