Candid Portraits,  People/Portraits,  quotes

Mystifying world…

So many unknown people in this world

The world… is indeed a strange and deeply mysterious place, forever changing and remaking itself anew. But this is not a novel condition, our world hasn’t only recently become bizarre and temporary, it has been so ever since its inception, and it will continue to be such until its end — mystifying and forever in a state of flux.

Nick Cave

This quote hits home for me. I suggest going to this link and read more about what he has to say about our mystifying world. From what I’ve read about him and his life, I’d like to invite him to join us for coffee. Enjoy your day and and the upcoming weekend.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    Indeed, our world has always been in a state of flux but thanks (or not!) to the internet, we know much more than is healthy for our spirit.
    Welcome December! It’s a foggy start along the east coast. Enjoy your weekend, Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, on welcoming December. Even though the holidays have a different feel than when I was younger there is still some aspect of December that is enjoyable. I have learned to step away from nuch of the internet and be particular with what I read or see. I would rather spend time in nature.

  • geri oster

    The glorious mystery of change has always terrified me, “afraid of losing something I have”. As I am growing in trust of the Creator, I believe that I am learning to flow with the current of the stream, and to better embrace the changing scenery along the way. This blog, and the wisdom and laughter in all of your comments, are helping me to see change as mysterious and wonderful, as in the seasons, versus something to be feared. Thank you all. Blessings.

    • Monte Stevens

      I so relate to the fear with change, yet growing into the trust to move on. I had news this morning of two friends who died last night in their sleep, change I would rather not face. But death is constant change in life. I have no power to change that but must face it. As you say, what a mysterious and wonderful life we have. Love you my friend!