Candid Portraits,  Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  People/Portraits

Playing the piano

Playing the Piano
Playing the Piano

There is a piano outside in the lobby of the Lory Student Center theater for people to play. It seems to me I almost always see and hear someone playing. I find it interesting to see these young people sit down and play. Some are dressed poorly, some carry a backpack of books and are using this time to relax between classes. And, the talent is wonderful. There were no words said between us as I just walked around him composing images. He sang one song and actually brought tears to my eyes. Thankful for autofocus.

P.S. And, the snow began falling around 2:00 pm, just as perdicted. They say 14 inches. Sigh!

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye

    A beautiful image and story to go with it. As a child, I took piano lessons. I don’t remember that I enjoyed playing, probably because I didn’t have a choice. Today. I wish I could play, I love hearing the piano.