Plants,  sunrises,  trees

Saturday Morning


This past Saturday morning I woke waaayyy before dawn and unable to get back to sleep. I pulled myself out of bed, dressed and headed out the door. The mornings are getting cooler, it was 43 degrees with plenty of dew on everything. It wont be long and the dew on the car will be turning to frost. I drove farther than usual and found the above scene just inside the Weld County line. I setup my tripod right next to the fence, in the bar ditch, with a small farmhouse just behind me. I enjoyed the next 30 minutes and had the added pleasure of hearing the farm animals stirring. I really had to good laugh when the rooster started crowing his little heart out.He was pretty darn loud. I’m pretty sure most of the county was awake by 6:52 am. Cock a doodle do.  🙂


On my way home I have to make a zig and then a zag around this privately owned lake. As I came around the zig I noticed these trees with the rising sun, slammed on the brakes before I hit the zag, pulled off in the bar ditch (again) and grabbed the camera. This is another one of those images that just happened to present itself and I happen to be there, with a camera. I like times like this. My pants are dirty again.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.