landscape,  sunsets

Whaddya think?

Tree at Sunset

A comment made by fellow photographer Bob Dein on an image a few days ago had me revisit the above image and play around with it. He mentioned how the tree was his focus of interest, as well as mine, and “Perhaps a slight crop from the bottom to get the horizon into a lower, more pleasing position” would work better. So, here is the same image only cropped. It sure does change  the feel of the image. Whaddya think?


Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    I don’t generally make unsolicited suggestions on other peoples’ photos, figuring that if they are happy with the result that is what matters. But I will admit to looking at one of your other photos – the one titled “Alone“ from 9/11/12 and thinking, “gee, I wish he’d had a longer lens.” Now that you’ve asked :), I do think the crop improves this photo, as it takes away the empty sky and cuts down on the grass, focusing the interest on the tree, the horizon and the hint of clouds. I also think that “Alone” would benefit from a similar crop.

    • Monte Stevens

      I usually crop images in the format the image was taken in. I need to do more of this in the field just before I press the shutter. Thank you for your input as I trust you input.

  • Mark

    I also like this version a bit better Monte. I think giving more weight to the sky increases the spaciousness of the scene. That in turn, and quite interestingly, I think draws more attention to the tree because of the contrast. It is amazing how an adjustment as seemingly minor as a crop can affect our perceptions.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, it does. This was a good lesson for me as I need to think about that when out in the field. Our composition can help in creating a simple panorama. Thanks, again, Mark!