Black and White,  People/Portraits,  Self-portraits

Self-portrait Friday

A few years ago I belonged to a photographers website called pbase. Someone on that website started a Self-portrait Friday challenge. It seemed like a good idea for a weekly project so I jumped right in. It required me to plan scenes rather than post a selfie in front of the bathroom mirror. This is one from that weekly project. I was living in Westerville Ohio at the time. I envisioned this image after seeing the street light and the mystery it created along with the brick wall in a small alley located in the older part of town. So after a bit of planning I set out to create this image. I needed the cigarettes and the lighter as props and was dumbfounded at the cost of those cigarettes. Glad I’m not a smoker anymore. Not sure this is exactly what I had in mind but it works for me even 13 years later. Here is a link to the post I made on this blog from that project but with a slightly different pose. Actually, I think I like this image better.

I actually spent some time snooping around on pBase to see what it’s like. I saw some familiar names of photographers who are still active in that community. One is our friend Faye White, who’s blog can be found here. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Nice job on this self-portrait. I love the portrait concept, but, of course not a fan of cigarette smoking. 😉

    Have a fun and rewarding weekend, Monte!

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Earl! I smoked from about 18 to 27. Coughing and hacking every morning helped me put them down. Can’t stand to be around them anymore. I remember my dad telling to stop before I couldn’t. Had no idea what he meant at the time. Hope you have a great weekend!

  • Faye White

    Wonderful sp! Timeless. I still have my pbase account though I don’t post much these days. I remember the Friday sp challenge and the Thursday challenges as well.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thank you, Faye. I learned much from other photographers on that site and I feel it enhanced my vision. After starting this blog I found it too much to post on both. I’m pleased with my choice.

  • Geri Oster

    Great photo, Monte. Reminds me of the old Film Noir movies Linda and I so enjoy watching. Blessings all.