• Anthony de Mello,  Black and White,  People/Portraits,  quotes,  Self-portraits

    wiser today…


    “When you come to see you are not as wise today as you thought you were yesterday, you are wiser today.”

    Anthony de Mello

    I like this quote and have felt for the past few years that anyone with the answers was not someone I wanted to hang with. However, I must confess there was a time when I thought I thought I knew the answer(s). It has been through the experiences of living my life that has taught me the range of life’s grayscale goes way beyond St. Ansel’s black and white zone system of 10. I’m just not as wise as I think I am or I think I should be. (Notice all the “I’s” in that sentence?)

    As I look out at the world I see it only through my eyes, not yours. Therefore, my wisdom is often times different than someone else’s due to life’s experiences, culture, upbringing, lessons learned, or not, in each of our lives. Just knowing that will makes us wiser today.

    And, if there is anything I would change in de Mello’s quote, I would replace the exclusive word “you” in his quote with the inclusive word of “we”. But, I’m wise enough to leave it alone. 😁

  • Black and White,  coffee life,  lifestyles,  Mary Oliver,  poems,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Another Poem

    Mocha latte after morning at a local natural area

    From one branch to another, or across the path,
    he dazzles with flight.
    Since I see him every morning, I have rewarded myself
    the pleasure of thinking that he knows me.
    Yet never once has he answered my nod.
    He seems, in fact, to find in me a kind of humor,
    I am so vast, uncertain and strange.
    I am the one who comes and goes,
    and who knows why.
    Will I ever understand him?
    Certainly he will never understand me, or the world
    I come from.
    For he will never sing for the kingdom of dollars.
    For he will never grow pockets in his gray wings.

    Mary Oliver

    This is the last part of a poem by Mary Oliver called Catbird. I relate to this part of the poem because I have experienced such moments with Goldfinches, Robins, and Chickadees. I especially like where she writes, “Since I see him every morning, I have rewarded myself the pleasure of thinking that he knows me.” Yes, I talk to birds!

    It is a cold fall morning with 43 degrees. I saw where Berthoud Pass had an overnight low of 18 degrees, so it’s actually warm here. After yesterday’s winds the cloudless skies are beautiful. This mornings full moon cast shadows across the meadow at the natural area. Now a mocha latte. Have an Awesome day!

  • Black and White,  grass,  natural areas,  Plants

    Time in Nature

    From a weekend walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    “Nature, too, supports our personal blossoming (if we have any quiet exposure to her) through her spontaneities, through her beauty, power, and mirroring, through her dazzling variety of species and habitats, and by way of the wind, Moon, Sun, stars, and galaxies.”

    Bill Plotkin

    It is a desire of mine to spend more time in nature. Hopefully, you already knew that. It is now obvious to me how deep these roots of solitude with and in nature have always been present. There is an awareness, also, that the more time I spend in the natural world, the more I desire to be there. My condo of bricks and sticks is not where I want to spend my life. It has provided a place of comfort but at a price. For many the house is all they need and want. Our culture stresses that. I’m not one of them. There is a desire to blossom. Have a great day and wonderful week!

  • Black and White,  Candid Portraits,  coffee life,  coffee shops,  Documentary/Street,  haiku,  lifestyles,  writing/reading

    Grin of Success

    the barista’s craft
    carefully pouring steamed milk
    grin of success


    I have wondered at times where coffee baristas go after making my life a bit more enjoyable? Seems there is always a turnover as many work at these jobs for some short period of time. I find many are college students studying to be a writer, artist, school teacher, archaeologist, forester and more. For many it’s usually not a fulltime job but provides spending money and can be a lot of fun for them. This young lady was not only my barista but also a budding photographer. I took this five years ago and hope she is still grinning and successful.