• Black and White,  coffee shops,  Documentary/Street,  Mary Oliver,  poems,  sunrises

    Broken World

    it is a serious thing
    just to be alive
    on this fresh morning
    in this broken world.

    Mary Oliver

    Violence never brings peace nor does it solve problems in our world. It’s insanity when we think fixing a broken world or disturbed mind can be accomplished through violence. It’s insanity when some keep trying it again and again. It’s insanity when we encourage such thinking. It’s insanity when we fail to speak up against it. There is another way.

  • Black and White,  Camera Equipment,  fountain pens,  Fujifilm X-T3,  John O'Donohue,  Photography,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Giving Thanks

    A gracious mind has compassion and sensitive understanding. It is without greed; rather than concentrating on what is absent or missing, it is able to celebrate and give thanks for what is present.

    John O’Donohue, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace

    It’s 10 degrees outside. Drove to the natural area for the quiet and to journal. Did not stay long, though. Grateful to be warm and inside. Overcast sky and a few snowflakes have been sited. It has that cold wintery feel. And, it’s going to be cold for the next 4 days or so, very cold. I have coffee, chocolate, peanut butter, a new book of poetry (Devotions by Mary Oliver) and plenty of fountain pen ink. I’m good and giving thanks. Stay warm.

    The above image was shot with the Fujifilm Acros film simulation. The Fujifilm website describes Acros as: a recently introduced black & white mode that’s richer in clarity and sharpness, and was inspired by our NEOPAN 100 ACROS film, which was known for its fine grain, rich gradation, and outstanding sharpness. Like the MONOCHROME mode, it’s also available in yellow, red, and green versions, but ACROS also has an embedded graininess that matches the film emulsion original. I like it.

  • architecture,  Black and White,  coffee shops,  shadows

    With the Rhinoceros

    leaving my condo, had a glimpse
    of pink clouds on eastern sunrise but,
    chose instead a mocha latte in a comfy chair
    sat with morning sunshine and shadows
    watched over by the rhinoceros


    I experienced the flu like symptoms of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday afternoon. So, I went to bed around 8:30 pm and slept like a baby. One of the best nights of sleep I’ve had in quite some time and feel really good this morning. As I left the condo there was no way I would make it to the natural area in time to capture the pink clouds and thus settled on the comfort of the local coffee shop with the rhinoceros.

  • People/Portraits,  Self-portraits


    Taken in March 2018

    Two years ago today they wheeled me into a cold operating room, opened up my chest, stopped my heart, replaced the aortic valve, restarted the heart then glued me back together (seriously). I’m still here. So what is my life like after major open heart surgery? Early recovery after surgery was a slow process but two years later I feel like all is well. I’m only on two medicines, 83 mg of bayer aspirin and Atorvastatin. Doctors tell me heart sounds good, so I’ll go with that and continue my now annual examinations. It is my responsibility to keep this body as healthy as I can so I walk regularly and eat as healthy as I can. I say that because every once in awhile I eat a DQ Blizzard when they are not looking. The doctors and nurses did their part. I want to now do my part.

    The past two years I’ve started and finished a book with images of horizons including thoughts I have on the horizons we all face in our lives. It’s written in my crude poetic form but it’s a start, something new. I have begun to read poetry which I had never done before. I’m blaming all this on the meds. Even began to experiment with haiku which I’m enjoying but taxing for most readers of this blog. I’ve started another small book that includes a few current images and the haikus I’ve written. About a year ago I had cataract surgery so I no longer need to wear glasses except to read. The change in my vision after eye surgery was amazing and without a doubt made me a much better photographer. 😁 So with the change in my vision and a new perspective on life I upgraded my camera this past year so I can be an even better photographer. 😁

    In all seriousness my heart is working just fine and is full of gratitude. I am also grateful for you who follow this blog, your comments of enlightenment and encouragement and for any prayers you may have offered! Yes, grateful!

  • Black and White,  coffee life,  lifestyles

    Light Snow Falling

    French Press brewing and waiting for Irish Oats to finish cooking

    It’s a cool 33 degrees with light snow falling. I most likely will not be sitting on my porch this morning to journal and read. Sitting in the recliner wrapped in a blanket sounds more enticing. The latest report shows the high winds yesterday helped the Cameron Peak fire to grow to over 100k acres with more mandatory evacuations. Made a French Press and ate a bowl of Irish Oats, now off to the recliner. 😊