• coffee life,  journal,  latte art,  quotes

    Life comes from living it…

    Things do not make life, life.

    Joan Chittister

    From my own experiences I’m aware that a new fountain pen “will not” make me a better writer, or a wiser person. Yet, I still look. I also know that a new Fujifilm X100VI will not make me a better street photographer, or a wiser person. Yet, I still look. From my own life experiences the simple things I have in life are the real treasures of life. I am doing my best to live my life with less attachments to things and not accumulating more things. Chittister also says that life comes from living it. So, living life today means taking the time to savor the beauty of latte art, enjoying my mocha, and a bit of journaling with the treasures I have.

  • prayer,  quotes,  Thomas Merton

    the gift of silence, … and solitude

    A quiet cloudless predawn sky at Dixon Reservoir

    When I am liberated by silence,
    when I am no longer involved in the
    measurement of life,
    but in the living of it,

    I can discover a form of prayer in which
    there is effectively, no distraction.

    My whole life becomes a prayer.
    My whole silence is full of prayer.

    The world of silence in which I am immersed
    contributes to my prayer.
    Let me seek, then, the gift of silence, … and solitude,
    where everything I touch is turned into prayer:

    where the sky is my prayer,
    the birds are my prayer,
    the wind in the trees is my prayer,
    for God is all in all.

    Thomas Merton

    Someone introduced me to the above prayer/poem by Thomas Merton this past Saturday. This prayer resonates with me because both silence and prayer have become a major part of my adult life. I am never the same after standing in the silence and solitude before a predawn sky over Dixon Reservoir. I’ve come to believe it is in the silence and solitude I’m more apt to hear the prayers within me that do transform me. And in that transformation I’ve come to ponder the question, What would our world be like if more people listened in the silence and solitude of prayer? Plus, silence and solitude are great teachers at listening. I’d venture to say the world needs more listeners than talkers.

    I began writing this post on Sunday afternoon and will schedule its posting for 7:00 am today, which is when they start my surgery. I’ll let you know how that all turns out later.

  • Avian,  quotes


    It is preoccupation with possessions,– more than anything else —  that prevents us from living freely and nobly. 

    Bertrand Russell

    Wonder if the freedom from possessions is why birds enjoy singing, everyday.

  • coffee shops,  Documentary/Street,  Food,  lifestyles

    Was I insane?

    Nothing like a chocolate eclair to start the morning

    I felt the cold of the 18 degree December this morning as soon as I stepped out the door at 6:50 am. I questioned why I would leave my warm condo into this frigid temperature and walk to the bus stop, hoping the bus would be on time. Was I insane? No is my answer, because I knew that in a short while I would be walking into a favorite coffee shop and be greeted with a warm and inviting smile from one of the baristas. I knew I would be told “Good morning Monte. Do you want your usual?” Once I ordered and paid, I would then find a comfy place to journal, read or both and enjoy a warm mocha latte. However, on this particular morning, and because of the cold, I decided I wanted one these chocolate eclairs to go along with my mocha. No, I’m really not insane but living a simple life with things I enjoy. Yes, life is good. Stay warm wherever you are!