• quotes,  Self-portraits,  sunrises

    Watching and Waiting

    Watching and Waiting

    Morning light,
    Soft light,
    It’s colored light
    But isn’t bright.,
    I wait and watch,
    Then slowly I let my film soak up this light.

    Steve Coleman

    I prefer to be early, get setup and watch and wait for the morning sunrise rather than being in a hurry. Relaxed, I sat on a small boulder and nibbled on some grapes. Soon the sky began to lighten, the horizon began to appear, the sky and clouds took on a different hue, the birds sang a morning song, a rooster crowed on the farm just below me and dragonflies zipped past me. I think it’s worth getting up early. I’m standing near one of the three dams on the Horsetooth Reservoir and looking out over the sleeping city of Fort Collins. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  • Self-portraits

    Watching the Sunset

    Watching the Sunset

    Every once in a while we will read a post about someone struggling with posting or shooting, in a slump or busy with other things.And, I suspect we all can relate. For me this period has been longer than any from the past. I don’t carry my DSLR as much but prefer the smaller and lighter G12 in my small backpack with my journal and Kindle 2. Even my mood is in a funk. I found myself getting upset easier and sometimes at inanimate objects. Can you relate?

  • People/Portraits,  Self-portraits

    Here It Is

    Taking Notes

    All I can do in my writing is to stimulate a certain amount of thought, clarify some technical facts and date my work. But when I preach sharpness, brilliancy, scale, etc., I am just mouthing words, because no words can really describe those terms and qualities it takes the actual print to say, “here it is.” – Ansel Adams

    I wanted to create a self portrait for my Friday post so I setup a scene and worked at it for a good hour. Nothing. I’d had a long day and was tired. Just as I was ready to give up I envisioned an image that would work and was different. I quickly set it up but for some reason the camera would not fire. Now this is the used camera I just purchased so I was a little concerned. But, after taking a deep breath, pausing when agitated, I realized I’d not put my memory card back in the camera. I told you I was tired. Anyway, here it is.

  • landscape,  People/Portraits,  Self-portraits,  sunrises



    Adopt the pace of Nature; her secret is patience. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    This is not the image I had envisioned when I left the apartment. I had to change plans when I got there. The last time I shot this barn at sunrise I did not have an oil drilling rig off to my left. Damn! How quickly man changes things. Saddens me. 🙁 Anyway,  I went ahead and waited for the sun to rise. Waiting can be tough in our “microwave” society, we want things now. If I do not take in all the beauty around me at these times then what I thought was patience was only an endurance of time to get an image. On this cold December morning with a slight wind blowing in from the north, in this case my backside, it was a bit of both, a test of patience and endurance. I’m gaining more patience as I add each birthday. Waiting.