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The Spiritual Path

A spiritual path at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

There are no shortcuts on the spiritual path, although many have tried to find one. Learning the lessons the spirit teaches takes time, patience, and perseverance. It requires a sense of discipline. It takes a level of self-awareness that can be difficult, because it requires that we are honest with ourselves. We have to look deeper. We have to study. We have to live a rule of life that never takes love for granted. It is not easy, but it is joyful. The sacred journey may take us up some very steep hills and demand we keep going on even when we are tired, but it shows us the wonder of life along the way and the purpose of life when the day is done.

Steven Charleston, Ladder to the Light

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • geri oster

    Hope. Hope that we are being guided by something greater than ourselves. My job is to just stay on the path and walk with hope, curiosity and joy. Thank you, Monte for this wonderful visual portrayal of the spiritual path. A dandy reminder for me today and always. Blessings.