Dewdrops,  flowers,  Plants,  quotes

Through the dewdrops

“One discovers the light in darkness, that is what darkness is for; but everything in our lives depends on how we bear the light”

James Baldwin

We had our first frost of the season last night which meant I had to scrape frost from the windshield. But, these brisk mornings have a way of waking you up or at least perking you up. We had 33 degrees at 6:15 am and blue skies so far. I did not have a good nights sleep as my mind kept wanting to live tomorrow rather than relax and let my body rest. Could be a nap on my agenda this afternoon. This image was taken Wednesday morning on my way to meet Mark for breakfast. These flowers were outside the restaurant and I loved how they were bearing the light through the dewdrops. Enjoy your Saturday!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.